As the sunny day's approach, many of us pay more attention to what we put on our plate. For many, it comes down to controlling more or less the calories ingested. But did you know that this is unnecessary, even counterproductive? Indeed, it is the quality of calories that matter not their quantity most to lose weight and stay healthy! Eating nutritious foods, including healthy fats, is the new golden rule in weight loss. Here’s why.
Differentiate Between Calories and Empty Calories
The calories are units that represent the ability of the food to be converted by the body into energy. All food contains calories, and we need a certain amount of calories each day. But some foods provide not only calories but also, such as vitamins and minerals. When food provides calories and has no real nutritional value, we say that it contains “empty calories”.
Most empty calorie foods mean processed foods that contain saturated fat and processed sugars. , their consumption will not at all have the same benefits on the body as foods rich in nutrients. Compare for example 100g of white sugar (400 Kcal) and 100g of honey (304 Kcal).
While honey provides minerals and trace elements, white sugar has no nutritional value. Worse, it tends to demineralize the body by soliciting minerals to digest. So, rather than focusing on how many calories a food represents, instead focus on the nutrients provided.
Be Smarter Than Your Metabolism
The problem with foods that make you fat isn’t that they contain too many calories. This is because they cause a cascade of reactions in the body which promotes the storage of fat and makes people eat too much. The processed sugars – foods like potato chips, sodas, and even white rice – turn into sugar and increase insulin levels. (Source)
Insulin is like a catalyst for your fat cells. It pushes fat cells to consume calories in the blood and store them in the form of fat, and damage other body cells, leaving the rest of the body. This is why it is so easy to devour a big packet of crisps and still be very hungry!
Repeat this cycle too often and your metabolism will start to work against you. Indeed, when we try to reduce its calorie balance, the body defends itself. This happens in two ways: Your metabolism slows down to save calories longer, and you start to feel hungrier.
Yet, this combination of increasing and slowing down of metabolism is a battle we are losing in the long run. In a study conducted last year, followed 14 who lost a lot of weight in the “The Biggest Loser” contest. In six years, out of all only one had regained weight, considering weight loss their metabolism had slow down body hair and their levels of leptin (cell in which fat stored for energy) and hunger also dropped. (Source)
Listen to your body’s signals
But it’s still possible to overdo the good things, even with healthy foods. The biggest temptations are, for example, almond butter and whole avocados. To avoid this trap, practice the healthy plate method, which involves better part control. Assemble half a plate of vegetables, a quarter of a plate of protein, and a quarter of a plate of quality carbs, such as whole grains or vegetables.
Foods with healthy fats will end up on the parts of the plate with protein and carbs, and if you stick to this formula, you are less likely to overdo it! Another way to guard against overeating healthy foods that are high in fat is to eat more. Indeed, it takes at least 20 minutes for the brain to detect satiety and if you eat too fast, you will miss this signal.
Meditate to Lose Pounds
Recent research has shown that when people meditate, they can identify signals that signal hunger and fullness. It has also shown that people who practice meditation fewer changes in weight over time. (Source)
While eating foods that will help reduce your desires for treats, there’s always room for a little treat! Our ideal cute sin? The dark chocolate (raw if possible!) Which has beneficial effects on the heart, brain, and satiety. If that doesn’t suit you, you can always go for a pastry every now and then. the good news is that, after lowering your insulin levels, you can enjoy sweets or any of your favorite snacks, without putting on more pounds.
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